So you’re planning for your next RV camping adventure and you’ve rented the RV and picked a camping destination, but now comes the hard part- packing everything you need for the RV camping trip. While we’ve all packed for trips before and know how to plan ahead when it comes to preparation, there is something about packing and preparing for an RV trip that is a bit more complicated than your standard vacation.

One way to help make the packing process less stressful is to make a detailed RV camping checklist. Think of your checklist as sort of an outline for your trip that will allow you go through all the main packing categories that you should focus on based on what you will be doing, who will be with you, the climate of your destination, how long you will be staying, etc. Take for example, the following basic checklist of items that is broken down into sections to help create more of an organized list:

  • Personal items: toiletries, medications, cell phone/charger, cash/cards, sunglasses, toilet paper, water bottle, backpack, whistle, pocketknife, keys, compass, personal first aid kit, flashlight, sunscreen and bug spray
  • Food/cookware: pre-made menu and meal prepped items, dishes/flatware, pots/pans, cups, bowls, spatulas, tongs, can opener, paper towels, dishwashing supplies, aluminum foil, cutting board, napkins, s’mores supplies
  • Clothing/shoes/hats,etc: plenty of warm clothes/layers, several pairs of socks, sleeping clothes, bathing suits, water shoes, hiking shoes, tennis shoes, sandals for showering, sunglasses and hats, breathable clothes for warm weather, towels for swimming and shower
  • Campsite items: chairs, tarps, table cloths, rope, trash bags, bungee cords, clothes line, extra batteries, firewood, awning, hose, extension cords, generator
  • Children specific items: diapers, swimming supplies, snacks, kids water bottle, sunscreen, kids hats/sunglasses, toys/entertainment, small chairs/table, stroller, kids tylenol/other basic medicine, baby wipes
  • Pet items: food/water, bowls, leash, bedding, crate or gate to have safe space, outdoor mat, towel, toys, treats, collar/tags, flea brush, tick remover, proof of vaccination, picture in case they get lost
  • Emergency tools/first aid gear: tool set for RV, axe, duct tape, matches, flares, water filter, pocketknife, two-way radio, lantern, extra fuel, headlamps, fire extinguisher
  • Bedding materials: pillows, blankets, sheets, extra blow up mattress and pump, sleeping bags, bedspread

But even when you do take the time to make a detailed list like the one started above, how can you be sure that you aren’t forgetting one of the essential items that you’re really going to end up needing on your trip? Are you realistically going to have the time to meal prep and remember your kid’s swimming diapers if you’re too busy with checking to make sure that the A/C is working in the RV?

Why not let the answer to both of these questions be Adventure in Camping! Because when you plan your next RV camping trip with Adventure in Camping, you can spend that planning time focused on getting you and your family ready for the adventure ahead! So instead of running around and doing last-minute packing because you spent all your time checking to make sure the RV is road-worthy, let Adventure in Camping do it for you! All you need to do is choose which RV model is the best fit for you and your family, pick a camping destination, and we will bring the RV to the site for you. We even stock all our RV models with some of the essentials so that you can knock even more items off your checklist!

Not only does each self-contained RV trailer contain a flush toilet, shower, refrigerator, stove/oven, a sink in bathroom and kitchen area, and an awning, but we each Adventure in Camping model comes standard with the following items as well: basic set of pots and pans, cooking utensils, dishes (plate, bowl, coffee cup, drinking cup), silverware, plastic cutting sheet, assorted serving bowls, 1 roll of paper towels, toilet paper, dish soap and sponge, and hand soap.

So why waste another minute prepping your RV when you could be spending that time on your camping adventure? Let Adventure in Camping help make it happen, today!